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Yogashalapg - Ashtanga Yoga Perugia - Holistic Vision - Reiki


Reiki is a technique that guides Universal Life Energy (the force that operates and lives in all things of creation) to restore health, induce relaxation and well-being.

The word is of Japanese origin and is made up of two parts: the syllable Rei describes the unlimited universal aspect of this energy, while Ki (also called Chi or Qi) is a part of Rei, it is the life force that flows through everything what lives.

​In a Reiki treatment the energy is channeled through the operator's hands and tends to flow spontaneously in the recipient's body in the points where it is most needed (usually areas with physical or energetic blockages). The one who works is considered a channel, therefore his energy is not offered to others nor is it taken away from him. The body immediately benefits thanks to the self-healing process triggered, and the psychic and mental sphere also benefits, relaxing and calming down. Reiki, also considered a meditation by those who practice it, is based on Energy Rebalancing, which helps to work on the causes of physical and mental blocks by infusing energy and well-being.

Furthermore, Reiki is a technique with no contraindications, capable of assisting and supporting any therapy and treatment, whether traditional or natural.

Yogashalapg - Ashtanga Yoga Perugia - Holistic Vision - Reiki Treatment



The versatility of the Reiki technique has as its main strengths its extreme simplicity, the powerful rebalancing action that is felt on an emotional and mental level and the absence of contraindications.

Physically, Reiki encourages the elimination of toxins by relieving acute and chronic pain, improves the immune system, rebalances the sleep-wake cycle, appetite and promotes muscle relaxation.


The psychophysical relaxation effect of Reiki is suitable for disorders such as anxiety , stress , malaise, insomnia and acute pain. Some experimental research confirms satisfactory results obtained in the therapy of phonoarticulatory, respiratory and oncological pathologies. Various scientific confirmations come from these therapeutic uses.

In general, Reiki is aimed at those who want to know the nature of this energy and be part of a system larger than man himself.


If you do not attend the courses in the Shala, you can arrange for a preliminary interview prior to treatment.

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